No matter what you do with your personal computer or who you work with, always you will have to deal with .zip files. So, you should pay attention to this tool intended to perform the two basic actions you need in this regard: to create .zip files, and to open them.
At this moment you might be asking yourselve “What do I want this tool for anyway if I'm working with Windows and it has the built-in Compressed Folder feature? Well, not few answers come up to my mind when I hear that but the two most important are: this tool works for real and you can set various options for your .zip files.
Ok, so, let's see what is this application about. This easy-to-use tool will let you open and create .zip files with the additional features:
It has full compatibility with other Zip archive utilities.
It allows you to encrypt your Zip files.
It provides you with several compression levels to choose from.
It makes files updating.
It can create self-extracting Zip files.
Like other applications from Software 995, it comes in two differents versions, both of them fully functional: the free sponsored version and the licensed version wich cost, as you might guess, 9,95 dollars. If you let me give you a piece of advise, I'd go for the licensed version because the other one... well, It gets really annoying real fast.
Five menus are available on the top bar of the main window: File, Archives, Options, Window and Help.
Under File menu you see options for creation and opening of .zip files, and what it's pretty cool, the Zip995Diff option, wich will let you compare two differents files.
Under Archives menu you see options to work with the actual archives such as selection, updating, extraction and else.
Under the Options menu only one choise available: Zip995 Options... From the pop-up window you configure Zip and Unzip settings, such as compression level, encryption, self-extracting feature, overwrite options and so on.
Under Window menu, the typical: tile horizontal and vertical, Cascade and Close all options.
The last one, the Help menu wich will lauch the online help site.